JUN 07, 2021
Even you set up the V2Ray correctly and cross GFW successfully, you will probably suffer low speed and high legacy. If you try to `ping` your server abroad, you will find the packet loss rate is high....
APR 13, 2021
Recently I moved to a new office which requires a IC card as access control. Wherever I go, I need to bring it, otherwise I can't enter the office. It's really inconvenient....
APR 08, 2021
After Shadowsocks died, I'd been using Astrill VPN for some time. But it's not so ideal. The speed cannot be guaranteed and I always needed to try different servers to find one with fast speed. So again I decided to set up my own server to cross the GFW....
JAN 17, 2021
I have a heater and I hope it could be closed late in the night (after I fall asleep) and be opened early in the morning (before I get up)....
DEC 22, 2019
For a long time, Netflix has always been my pain point. I could cross the GFW to visit most of the blocked websites, but not Netflix, because Netflix will detect your IP address, and if they think you are using a proxy, you will be blocked when you are trying to watch the video (Netflix won't block you if you just want to broswer their website)....
APR 06, 2018
Sometimes we need to execute some time-consuming even everlasting tasks on our server. If we lose connection to the server those tasks will interrupt and stop running. Screen is a perfect command to solve this problem....
MAR 23, 2018
Crontab could help you run a task at fixed intervals. It's so easy to use crontab because it has only three main commands: `crontab -l`, `crontab -r` and `crontab -e`....
MAR 17, 2018
Recently I found myself extremely interested in computer graphics. Meanwhile it's time to redesign my portfolio and I decide to make it colorful. Gradient is no doubt the easiest starting point....
MAR 09, 2018
I'm always interested in machine learning since I learned the concept last year. After watching a lot of videos and reading a bunch of posts, I trained my first machine learning model a few days ago. It's so exciting that I can't wait to share my experience. ...
FEB 02, 2018
Recently I came across a question from Interview Cake and it could be solved gracefully by bitwise operator XOR which arouse my interest. I will show you the question and the answer at the end of the post. Now let's learn some basic knowledge of bitwise operators....
JAN 12, 2018
One word to summarize 2017 is Ollie which is the nickname of my baby. Except working I spent almost all my time with her and she made me the happiest person in the world....
NOV 10, 2017
Sometimes we need to realize half pixel border for beautiful UI and it's not as simple as you think....
NOV 02, 2017
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined....
OCT 27, 2017
It was a ordinary day. I modified codes and did commits as usual. Later I found last commit was not necessary any more. So I decided to reset it. The change was still useful so I want to keep it....
OCT 24, 2017
Back to March this year when I come to the company I'm working for now I need to work on a project which use Svn for version control system. But I have always been using Git except for a very short time in my early programming life in 2012. I definitely don't want to use Svn again. Fortunately Git is so powerful that it can event interact with Svn repositories. ...
OCT 23, 2017
Recently when I try to backup a MongoDB database running in a docker container with command line, I find the command is too long to remember....
OCT 20, 2017
Recently I came across an interesting problem when dealing with date. When using javascript date object, chrome and safari render different result with the same date string. If I run `new Date('2017-09-04T09:52:15')` in browser deveopler console, chrome will output `Mon Sep 04 2017 09:52:15 GMT+0800 (CST)` and safari will output `Mon Sep 04 2017 17:52:15 GMT+0800 (CST)`. ...
SEP 19, 2017
In CSS we could use either RGB values or hex code to set value of a color. But have you ever thought about *why* we could do this? At least for me I have never thought about such question until doing a related [challenge](https://www.freecodecamp.org/challenges/use-hex-code-for-specific-colors) on freeCodeCamp. ...
MAR 12, 2017
Once during a technical interview, I was asked to validate whether a sentence is a palindrome or not. But what’s a palindrome? A [palindrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome) is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!", "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" or "No 'x' in Nixon"....
APR 15, 2016
![Final Result](/images/develop-a-hexo-theme-with-gulp-and-browsersync.png)...
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