Hexo is a fast, simple&powerful blog framework. I have use Hexo for my personal blog for some time and recently I decide to {% post_link some-little-things-recently develop a theme for Hexo %}.
Browsersync is a awesome testing tool for front-end developer. It will synchronize all your behavior on different browsers or devices and save us a lot of time. There is no doubt that I will use Browsersync for all front-end develop work. This time no except.
The basic of developing a Hexo theme is to create some ejs templates and stylus files. Hexo will generate the content dynamically convert ejs templates to html and stylus to css. You need to modify stylus files and open browser to see the style. The question is that Browsersync need static html and css files. Yes, Hexo has a command called hexo generate
which could generate static html and css files to public
directory. We don't want to call hexo generate
every time we modify the stylus files because the process will waste a lot of time. At the same time we don't want to modify the static css file in public
directory directly because we will lose the modification afte hexo generate
is called again. What we really want is after we modify stylus files Browsersync just works.
How to realize that? The answer is Gulp. Gulp is a front-end build system and Browsersync integrated with Gulp very well. The trick here is to use Gulp to generate and override the static css file every time we modify the stylus files. Talk is cheap. Let me show you the code.
Firstly install the dependencies:
npm install browser-sync gulp gulp-stylus --save-dev
Secondly create a file called gulpfile.js
and add content below:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(),
stylus = require('gulp-stylus');
gulp.task('serve', function() {
// tell Browsersync serve the static directory
server: {
baseDir: "../../public"
// once stylus file is modified perform `stylus` task
gulp.watch("./source/css/**/*.styl", ['stylus']);
gulp.task('stylus', function () {
return gulp.src('./source/css/style.styl') // tell gulp the source stylus file
.pipe(stylus()) // compile stylus to css
.pipe(gulp.dest('../../public/css')) // output new css file to override
.pipe(browserSync.stream()); // inject new css file
gulp.task('default', ['serve']);
Last preform gulp
directly under your theme's directory. The magic thus happened. Browsersync will open a new tab in the default browser for you. Once you modify the stylus file and save the change Browsersync will reload automatically on all devices connected to the url. By the way don't forget to perform hexo generate
to generate static files in public
directory before perform gulp
Happy coding!