Install SS on My Xiaomi MiWiFi X-R1D with Tomato Firmware


1.create a directory

mkdir -p /tmp/mnt/sda4/jffs/opt

2.mount the directory to /opt

mount -o bind /tmp/mnt/sda4/jffs/opt /opt

Install Entware/opkg

1.install it by the command below

wget -O - | sh

2.The installation process may take a while. Please be patient until it's finished. Then confirm opkg has been installed correctly.

opkg --version

Install and configure SS

1.install SS

opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-redir

2.edit configuration file of SS

vi /opt/etc/shadowsocks.json

3.put content below to the file and replace the value of server and password

"server" : "",
"server_port" : "443",
"local_address" : "",
"local_port" : "1080",

4.start SS

ss-redir -c /opt/etc/shadowsocks.json

Configure admin panel of the router

1.put the content below to Administration >> Scripts >> init

mount -o bind /tmp/mnt/sda4/jffs/opt /opt
/opt/etc/init.d/S22shadowsocks start

2.put the content below to Advanced >> DHCP/DNS >> DHCP / DNS Server (LAN) >> Dnsmasq Custom configuration


3.create and edit /tmp/mnt/sda4/jffs/dnsmasq.d file and sample file could be found here.


4.put the content below to Administration >> Scripts >> firewall


insmod ip_set
insmod ip_set_bitmap_ip
insmod ip_set_bitmap_ipmac
insmod ip_set_bitmap_port
insmod ip_set_hash_ip
insmod ip_set_hash_ipport
insmod ip_set_hash_ipportip
insmod ip_set_hash_ipportnet
insmod ip_set_hash_net
insmod ip_set_hash_netport
insmod ip_set_list_set
insmod xt_set

ipset -N gfwlist iphash
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m set --match-set gfwlist dst -j REDIRECT --to-port 1080
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m set --match-set gfwlist dst -j REDIRECT --to-port 1080

5.Restart your router and test SS.
